
ThinkTanks Workshops

Welcome to ThinkTanks Workshops, where entrepreneurial mastery unfolds through our customized programs: GAIN, TIPS, and EDGE. GAIN empowers solo-preneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs with foundational skills. TIPS steers pre-revenue entrepreneurs through business intricacies. For post-revenue leaders, EDGE sharpens strategic acumen, fostering sustained growth and success. Elevate your entrepreneurial journey with ThinkTanks

How Does it Work

Select the program that aligns optimally with your requirements, tailored to address and fulfill your specific business objectives and strategic imperatives. GAIN TIPS & reach the EDGE


Global Ambitious Innovators Network
GAIN Learning Outcomes
  1. Generate a compelling pitch deck for effective stakeholder communication.
  2. Assemble a comprehensive business strategy for entrepreneurial success.
  3. Investigate market potential through in-depth research and validation.
  4. Nurture precise financial projections through rigorous financial studies.
Duration 4hours Fees 2:00PM – 6:00PM AED300
Available Dates 20 Jan/3 Feb/17 Feb/2 Mar


Tenacious & Impactful Planning Strategies
TIPS Learning Outcomes
  1. Transform through gap analysis for enhanced efficiency and business understanding.

  2. Implement data-driven interventions, aligning practices with industry standards.

  3. Propel scalable expansion with a transition-safe mode.

  4. Strengthen adaptability and resilience for a seamless ScaleUp @ your organization.

Duration 4hours Fees 2:00PM – 6:00PM AED2000
Available Dates 27 Jan/10 Feb/24 Feb/10 Mar


Executive Decision Making & Game Changing Elevator
EDGE Learning Outcomes​
  1. Empower executive leadership to foster a culture of strategic innovation.

  2. Drive decision-making processes through data-driven insights and collaboration.

  3. Galvanize game-changing initiatives for organizational agility and sustained growth.

  4. Enhance efficiency by elevating operations through adaptive strategies.

Duration 4hours Fees 2:00PM – 6:00PM AED4000
Available Dates 20 Jan/3 Feb/17 Feb/2 Mar


  • Combat Execution Isolation
  • Improve your thought leadership
  • Elevate your executive presence and become the influencer of your team
  • Operate in your zone of genius
  • Increase your self confidence and be the decision maker

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